
Shimanami Kaidou(Shimanami Sea Root)iii Tatara Oh'hasi, Ohmisima basi, Hakata/Ohsima basi and Kurusima Kaikyou Oh'hasi / しまなみ海道 三 多々羅大橋、大三島橋、伯方・大島橋、来島大橋 


  Visiting two museums needs much time than expected. I like cycling around, rambling.  Cycling only will do, goes with out saying!  The beautiful places, sea breeze, lovely people. Again I do not know this could be called POTARINGU (pottering) but I was not plan to come here even where to stay! Last time I wrote two museums, both I did not know well and decided to visit there on the spot. Always hit or miss fashion, I even go to foreign countries like this. Well, that's life for you!

二館も美術館を巡るだけでも結構な時間が掛かりました。けど、こう言うとこに行かなくても、ここでは別に目的もなく、ただ単に自転車に乗るだけで充分に楽 しいです。美しい景色に、素朴で素敵な人たち、それに海からの風。どれも心地よくて気持ちいいです。こう言うのを「ポタリング」と言うかどうか知りません が、
今 回も特に何も決めず、滞在先も現地で予約したくらいですから、行き当たりばったりですね。海外旅行とかでもそんなノリですから、あんまり何にも決めません でした。そして、前回書いた二つの美術館も何にも知らずに、その場のノリで訪れただけで、それがこんなに時間を食うとは!けど、人生なんてそんなもんやと 思っています。

  Last but not least, actually this was very important for me, going to the Ohayamazumi Jinja(Ohayamazumi Shrine) in Ohmisima(Ohmiisland) by using anther bridge, the third bridge, Kurusima Kaikyou Oh'hasi(Kurusima Strait Big bridge) between Ikutijima(Ikuti island) and Ohmisima. I really like Japanese Middle age(AD 1192-1600) era.
during this time, many Japanese culture and arts are bloomed. The fore runner of this age, Ancient age was a time of nobles.T Middle age is like age of warriors or samurais, but it was not a dark age. Noh, Tea calemony, Japanese style of architecture, Japanese gardens and many things can be traced to this era. Off course the roots of these art are date back much older than this era, but the thing is, merchants, smaurais and farmers or ordinary people enjoyed and refined these things at that time.

そして、この日最後のそして自分に取っては最重要な美術館に隣の島迄訪れます。三番目の橋、多々羅大橋(生口島、大三島の間)を越えて大三島にある大山祇 神社に向かいます。日本の中世のものに興味があります。この時期には、現在日本文化と言われる様な物が花開きます。例えば能や茶の湯、日本建築様式や庭園 や色々な物がこの時期に発展します。

en route 2 the shrine. cycle lane is separated.

                              the treasure trove of armours of natl treasures.
  The shrine was popular among samurais and pirates living in islands. They dedicated, offered their armours, helmets and weapons. Many of collections can be seen in text books of Japanese history, Classic Japanese language and Art. This museum is one of my "See Naples and then..." kinda. I was really wanted to visit this museum for seeing the treasures. But the time was tight, I asked the direction at Miti no Eki(literally "station on the road" tourist Information centre & rest space for drivers)  in Ohmisima after running across Tatara Oh'hasi. They say it is a bit of tough work, though it can be done by bikes.
En route to the shrine was fine.  Reached at the shrine 30 minutes before its closing time! The area and Precinct was so lovely as typical atmosphere of old shrines. Very peaceful though the God is thought to be God of MArtial-Arts.  I was not sure for the time I have got, but no choice. Although I did not have much time to see them, It was fantastic!! I would like to visit here again.

大山祇神社は、この時期の武士や海賊に支持され多くの武具等を奉納されて現在に伝えています。こここそ、自分に取っては「日光、結構」です。ここに在る武 具や太刀など観ずして大三島はないと言う感じです。道の駅で案内を聞くと、ちょっとキツいかもしれないけど充分自転車で行けますとの事。実際、そんなにキ ツくは無く大変行きやすい道でした。けど、まぁ時間もかかっていて結局着いたのは、閉館三十分前!「ああ、では又」と言う訳に行かないので先を急ぎます。 時間は短かったですが、大変善かったです。こちらは武神としても有名なのですが、境内や周辺は典型的な古い神道の神域で平和で落ち着いた雰囲気です。是非 またゆっくりと訪れたいです。



  After the shrine and museum, heading for today's inn in Imabari City in Ehime prefecture.  The inn is Sunrise Itoyama, designed for cyclists!! It is very good for cyclists and budget tourists. crossing 3 bridges, Ohmisima basi(bridge) , Hakata/Ohsima basi and Kurusima Kaikyou Oh'hasi. Arrived at the inn a bit late again, they say you can not use the bath(the rooms are private, but the bath is not, so-called communal bath as usual as Japanese standard inns. Generally, these Hostel like budget inns, guest houses have curfew kinda I think you knew about it if you like travel :-> ) after 23.00 but you do not have to hurry just keep driving safely. Actually, arrived at around 22.00 but we did not have dinner so we went to get some foods(restaurant was closed, it is a budget inn, you know.) instead of having bath. We could have shower in the morning. When we came back to the inn, the manager did give us a chance to use a bath room for using shower kindly. What a lucky, or kind people!!Thank you, Mr manager in Sunrise Itoyama.
Next morning, crossing Kurusima Kaikyou Oh'hasi again for climbing Kirousen(kirou mountain). One of the most spectacle in islands.


And there is;
Multilingual pages are available.
Chinese(simplfied 対不起、繁体字版没有!)

さて、神社を後にして今夜の宿に向かいます。愛媛県今治市にある今治市サイクルターミナル、サンライズ糸山が今日の宿です。大三島橋、伯方・大島橋、来島 大橋の三つを越えて行きます。ここはその名の通り、自転車乗り向けの宿です。しかも格安です。またも少し着くのが遅れています。大体、こう言う格安の所と 言うのは24時間チェックイン可能と言うよりも、○○時迄に●●(入室、消灯、入浴)と制約がある物です。旅慣れた人やバックパッキングなどに馴染みの人 にはお分かりと思いますが。11時迄に来ないとお風呂が入れませんので、ご希望の場合はそれ迄にお越し下さいとの事。受付は閉まってますが着いたら入り口 の隣のドアから連絡を下さい、気を付けてお越し下さい。と一応は遅く迄は対応して頂ける。10時頃に着くが食事を摂っていなかったので、近所に買い出しに 行く事を優先する。翌朝シャワーを使えると言う事なので。ところが、買い物から帰ると、特別にシャワーを使って下さいと言う風に、管理されてる男性の方が申し出て くれました!何たる僥倖、なんと親切な。有り難うございましたm(-_-)m


To Be Con'd.


Shimanami Kaidou(Shimanami Sea Root) ii In'nosima'oh'hasi, Ikutibasi /しまなみ海道 二 因島大橋・生口橋


  Running at night with brompton is very fun. With brompton you do not have to worry about run time of batteries of lights. One thing you should do with brompton is nigth run. Much more fun than daytime in some respects. In summer days it is really hot for running bikes, but the night times are better especially if you are cycling around country side. Much cooler. There are few cars compare to day time. Off course running early in the morning is fun, however, if you are a bromptonaut try night ride.


  During the ride the sun settled. The strange places made me lonely, but also fun to ride. There were few cars in towns. Off course traffic lights are few too, so brompton's dynamo system work right again. I really like night run on my brommie.
Not many cars were there actually, and these cars are by very careful drivers.When they notice the bikes(or pedestrians)
on the way (or in the way!), they passing very slowly. When they notice us right from the against direction, they even speeding down. When you are crossing zebra, they will stop the car until you will be passed safely. It is unusual scene kinda in Japan, perhaps apart from in some country sides, as I have been writing here Japan is car centered and the driver is a prince.
The people in islands are relaxed. You will love the air.
Now I would like to express my gratitude to the local. Thank you very much! 
Not many traffic lights in the area, we could cycle around easily.


we cycle passed the 1st bridge in'nosima'oh'hasi, between mukoujima and in'nosima then 2nd bridge ikutibasi, between in'nosima and ikutijima. when we arrived @ city centre of ikutijima, the town seemed 2 b in the dead of the night! actually it was before 22...

 The guest house used to be a youth hostel. Actually, I did not realize that it changed to a guest house before I asked.It has onsen or hot spring and the beach is right in front of the guest huse, though I did not have time to swim. If you are going to visit there in summer, bring swim wear!  The guest house is good for budget tourist, but if you are fussy about it you should look for different inns, there are B&Bs and ryokan(Japanese style hotels and inns) around the port and in town centre.

  この宿はゲストハウス(この横文字をすっと解るんかな?けどまぁ、ここがゲス トハウスと書いてるし、これ又苦々しいがこんな言葉も浸食してきてる。民宿でええんちゃうの?)になってるが、ユースホステルだった所。予約するとき迄 ユースと思っていたが、今は違うらしい。けど、値段は安いしユースと基本変わらず。オーナーの方の手造り感があり、温泉もあり壁の絵はアウトサイダーアー トとかに興味がある人にはいいかも知れない。けどアウトサイダーアートとか何?って思う人で神経質そうな人には向かない。バックパッキングとか格安旅行に慣れてない人にはお薦めしません。島には港付近に宿屋や民宿があるみたいなのでそちらが良いかもしれません。そう言う意味では旅慣れた人向け のゲストハウスである。あ、でも海も近く素敵な所で次行くときもここにするかもしれません。

Setoda Tarumi Onsen. Sorry no english.
#the HP says setoda youth hostel opnes next to the guest house but there was not.

  Left the guest house in the morning,going for town centre to visit some places. I just wanted to see Kousanji(Kousan Temple) just out of curiosity. Before I came to the islands, I did not well about the places. I only know Ooyamazumi Jinja(Ohyamazumi Shrine in Ohmisima) and I was eager to visit there. The shrine is famous for collections of armour and helmets from ancient times. The temple was interesting and strange for the place of religion in some ways. I mean it was so unique. I knew it was built by a business man, who made fortune and he made a temple to dedicate to his mother's soul. I had written about it on my new blog漫談放談. Sorry, no English. I did not expect such collections, I spent too much time again!! 


kousanji(kousan temple) 耕三寺

  One of famous painters in Japan, HIRAYAMA Ikuo was born in this island. Before visiting Kousanji, we went to Hirayam Ikuo Museum of Art. I do not well about his art, paintings. I even did not know that he was born in this island.  One of the museum of Kousanji is right next to this museum and they have discount ticket for two 


Hirayam Ikuo Museum of Art. Sorry no english.

2 b con'd. 


Shimanami Kaidou(Shimanami Sea Root) /しまなみ海道 

the view from the hall of Senkouji(Seonkou Temple) in onomiti city, hirosima pref. u can take a rope way to the top of the moutain.

  I hear lots of things about Simanami Kaidou(Simanami Sea Root) since I started cycling. You could see it on the WEB, magazines, TV, on the spot at cycling events, etc., etc.. Some of my peers of bikes went there and I also wanted to go there.

Sorry no English.
In English but very simple.


on bullet train u could use the power point. the power points @ the end of the car, there is a small space so you can put bromton here and can use the socket if u get the end of line of seats. wifi gadget doesnt receive well.

  As I have been writing here that the cyclists scene in Japan is not so good. The country is very, very car centered both politically, commercially. People's mind also follow this idea of "car first". That's too bad. Japan copied Western countries very well in some parts from 19th century but Japanese bike scene is very poor, compare to western countries. However, we are behind the western countries, the situation has been improving these days. The authorities doing it slowly and people in Japan now are buying bikes(rather expensive for not hobby people). Simanami Kaidou is one of the answer from authorities I think. The high way is of course mainly built for automobiles but there are separate part of bridges can be across by bikes and pedestrians. The route around bridges are designed for pedestrians, bikes, motor cycles(under 125 cc) so cyclists(pedesterians) will not be disturb by cars or motor cycles. The whole root can be run by bike or on foot. I went to there recently.


got on a local train @ hukuyama stn. 

  To be short, it was amazing place to visit. Definitely one of "you must see" place in Japan for cyclists and maybe non cyclists.
You can get in touch simple country life of Japan. There are nothing to attract you something very modern high tech things but nature. The local are relaxed and very friendly, aboove all, they knew how to treat cyclists! I spent three days but it was not enough time to spend!! I missed lots of things, I confess you.
Before going there I did not check the area up in details, yes, I should have done it,
now I think.


  The first day, we left for Onomiti City in Hirosima Prefecture by Sinkansen or bullet train from Shin Osaka Station. We had to change the train at Hukuyama Station for taking local train. When we arrived at Onomiti station, we asked basic information at the tourist information centre in the station. The stuff woman gave me a shocking fact!! She addressed me in hyoujungo or standard accent, what a shame!!! I do not want to hear these accent and I do not want to get anything from the centre of Japana, that is Tokyo, here. I AM REALLY FED UP WITH PEOPLE MIMICKING TOKYO in local area. If you go to Kyoto and you hear a maiko (a geisha trainee)speaking Tokyo accent, what do you think? Well, actually there are few Kyoto native maiko these days, but girls from countries learning accent at first!!
When you go to Osaka's yose (a comic house)and gekijyou(theatre) , and the performaers on the stages do not know the manner and accent of Osaka, is that an Osakan stage??? Local accent is a treasure for both the local and tourists. I could not tell she was a native here or from somewhere, but the office should have used a local person as a usher.


  Why every place of Japan always looking at Tokyo? If I want to hear, or get in touch the heart of Tokyo, culture of Tokyo, I will visit Tokyo! Language is very important, it makes you. You are words of your own language. If you ignore your own language that means you are ignoring yourself, IMO. You have to know your place.
You do not forget who you are. Use your own words.

BTW, speaking of Tokyo, the place also famous for film lovers as the shooting place of "Tokyo Story" by OZU Ysujiro. And speaking of film, "The Naked Island" by SINDO Kaneto, also recognised globaly was shot here.

onomiti stn is very close to the sea. just a minute on foot if u are not caught by signals. 駅のすぐ前はもう、海です。信号に引っかからなければ一分で海迄行けます。

  Onomiti is a place of hills. The city, facing south, is a port and the back of the city is a mountain. Still having good old days atmosphere, Onomiti attracts tourists attention. Very good place for tourists but not for cyclists definitely. There are very steep slopes and stairs. We abandoned for cycling as the guide woman told us. 

  坂の街、尾道は 急坂だけでなく階段があり、自転車にはちょっときつい。古くて懐かしい雰囲気をもつこの街は観光客には人気の場所。自転車を置いて辺を巡った。

the starting point of simanami sea root begins from onomiti city in hirosima pref in main land of japan. the area is city of steep hills, literature and film.

the area remains old buildings, but not so old i guess coz most of western buildings are session or modern style but not classic like, neo-renessiance, american gothic, victorian or older. they r obviously b4 WW II though. i like buildings b4 WW II. the city luckly did not damege by a bomb.

  This place is the starting point of Simanami kaidou, but you do not use the bridge from here. Using ferries from some ports, you will be able to go to the islands.


Ferry!! Lovely!! 渡船、よろしなぁ〜。

  We spent too long in Onomiti, we had no choice but to run passed Mukoujima and In-nosima because we had made a reservation at a guest house in Ikutijima, so we had to arrive at there before 9 o'clock. 


  Taking off the ferry, you are just following the cyclist's lane. It was so cold day for the end of the summer in Osaka, however, the island was warm. I expected that the weather may be a little colder than in Osaka but it was not, rather hot there. 


the first bridge is soon. up & up. 

drop money in this fare box. 

blured...2 b cond.....